Photo of Justin Bieber's security guard has all the ladies frothing!
- Publish Date
- Sunday, 11 June 2017, 10:27AM

Photo / Getty Images
It's not like we're not looking at you anymore Biebs, it's just well, your security guard is a megababe and we're struggling to deal okay, so just bear with us!
The eyes of the world lit up on the Internet after images of Justin Bieber's security guard made its way onto the Twittersphere, and let's just say that the Danish delight is giving everyone more cause to watch the Biebs do his thaaaang! No doubt the European beauty probably has a name and just as the Internet does, it has discovered more than just his name! This whole thing started from a simple admiration tweet, what ensure was just a massive dose of the creeps!
So, the question that's probably on your lips, who is the kid that has done so well to make the Internet drool so easily? Ladies and Gentlemen meet Boy Roeles!
He's since done news interviews and an interview with Buzzfeed, so we think he know's what's going down. It'd be nice if J-Biebs finds his way back to our shores, that he comes, you know so we know that the Biebs is safe and all...